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today i am here with most wanted hack in tata docomo and reliance.yes i am here with two ucweb which works fine for me tobrowse and download free in tatadocomo. i am launching here two ucweb first is based on india server and second is based on international server. so enjoy thetrick.
steps for reliance users
Download it first!
2)use your default rcomwap settings
APN: rcommms or rcomwap
Port: 8080
3) In operator trick which will be load first on starting ucweb 7.0 leave all thinks as it is but only click on "back query" and in that write " ?id=jCustomerWAPProv "
4) thats it enjoy free surfing and downloading at good speed!!

steps for TATA DOCOMO users
First Method for tata docomo
1.Make sure You have Tata Docomo DIVE IN Settings in ure mobile (if You don’t know dive in settings just see all tata docomo gprs settings for all services by tata docomo or You can call customer care and get it you canalso use our previous post Tata Docomo customer care number for all regions )
2.Download Ucweb collection from above
3.Install Appication which you havedownloaded
4.Run UcWeb your Phone using Tata Docomo Dive in settings
5.You can see operator tricks menu just scroll down and go to USE PROXY and select it as HTTP
6.Now go to in PROXY SERVERS Andwrite internet.tatadocomo.com
7.Now don’t change any other settings leave all queries blank means front query, back query,middle query leave all blank
8.That’s it You are Done Now Enjoy Free Surfing as well as Free Downloading

Second Method
1.Make sure You have Tata Docomo DIVEIN Settings in ure mobile (if You don’t know dive in settings just see all tata docomo gprs settings for all services by tata docomo or You can call customer care and get it you can also use our previous post Tata Docomo customer care number for all regions )
2.Download Ucweb collection from above
3.Install Appication which you have downloaded
4.Run UcWeb on your Phone using Tata Docomo Dive in settings
5.Then in First Box in operator tricks menu select CUSTOM1
6.Now go to in PROXY SERVERS And write: divein.tatadocomo.com OR this ip Now don’t change any other settings leave all queries blank means front query, back query,middle query leave all blank
8.That’s it You are Done Now Enjoy Free Surfing as well as Free Downloading.

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